Montichiari Hamfest





I had the privilege of being invited to present at

Contest University 2017 in Monticiari, Italy.  


Downloads Below: 

  • My Presentation
  • STEP-BY-STEP assymbly instructions for a Vertical built on Spiderbeam Fiberglass Poles. 
  • Spiderbeam's Book: "Wire Antennas that work" 


Simple Antennas That Work Good
This presentation explains what is important (and why) in achieving good efficiency when building wire antennas on telescoping fiberglass poles.
Simple Antennas That Work Good-2.pdf
PDF-Dokument [10.7 MB]
160m Vertical on 18m Fiberglass Spiderbeam Pole
These Step-by-Step instructions will show you exactly how to build one of these vertical antennas. It is full of pictures and drawings to help you succeed at building this antenna.
PDF-Dokument [804.0 KB]
Wire Antennas that Work
This book is a subset of the antennas shown on the web site of DJ0IP. It shows how to build several different vertical and loop antennas, and also gives you tips for matching them. THIS IS A FREE DOWNLOAD and Spiderbeam only asks for 2 Euro if you want a color hard-copy of it.
Wire Antennas.pdf
PDF-Dokument [2.8 MB]
DJ0IP Ham Radio Biography
BIO DJ0IP.docx
Microsoft Word-Dokument [12.9 KB]




The pictures below were provided to me by Justin, G0KSC of Waters & Stanton in the U.K.