"SWR Meters Make You Stupid"
A brilliant article written by Eric P. Nichols, KL7AJ
About the Author:
Eric has written numerous articles for QST, QEX, and just about every other existing and defunct amateur radio publication. Most of these have been technical, with a couple of exceptions, his favorite being "Solder to Talk", a humorous piece about vintage AM operation, which appeared in Nov. '93 QST.
Eric is a dedicated homebrewer and CW operator. He enjoys all aspects of low band operation, and fiddles around with some 2200 meter and 630 meter operation as well. He has operated just about every HF digital mode at one time or another, but defaults to "plain vanilla" RTTY.
His latest literary offering, Receiving Antennas for the Radio Amateur, is available from ARRL and Amazon in ebook form!
DOWNLOAD "SWR Meters Make You Stupid":
A brilliantly (and humorously) written article explaining SWR for what it is, not what most people believe it is. This article is sort of an executive summary of Walt Maxwell's book "Reflections."
SWR Meters Make You Stupid.pdf
PDF-Dokument [233.6 KB]
Note: The author has generously allowed me to publish his article here on my web.