Rob Sherwood's Transceiver Tests
Most of you interested in this topic are already familier with Rob Sherwood's
Well actually it is a "RECEIVER PERFORMANCE LIST" (not transceiver).
To create the list, Rob has done extensive testing on many RX and TX specifications of the radios. Most of these other measurements are not reflected in the Performance List, but are shown in his longer review of each radio.
Rob stresses again and again that the list depicts only a small piece of the overall performance of the radios. The list ranks the radios by just one measurement, close in Dynamic Range (DR3). This is a very important attribute, perhaps the single most important but it is WRONG to interpret this single measurement as being representative for the overall performance of the radio.
With Rob's permission, I will post his entire test results for many of the radios he has recently tested. This will help you understand a little more about the overall performance of these rigs.
CHOOSE A RADIO (ON THE LEFT in alphabetical order)
LINK to Rob's List: Receiver Test Data
Terms Explained for the Sherwood Table of RX Performance:
Here is a list of the terms used in Rob's list, explaining the meaning of each term.
PDF-Dokument [80.9 KB]