BALUNS: What they do and how they do it.
Roy Lewellan, W7EL, is probably best know as the author of the popular Antenna Modeling software, "EZNEC".
In 1985 the ARRL publised the first of a series of books entitled "Antenna Compendium". Roy's excellent article on baluns was published in this issue. It described his attempt to de-mystify baluns with his very professional research.
In this article Roy coined the terms "Voltage Balun" and "Current Balun".
More important, he also found out which types of baluns work as they are supposed to and which ones do not. As a result of his work, the current balun began replacing the voltage balun in Amateur Radio antennas.
Although Roy reached several conclusions, he also pointed out other areas where additional research was still required. In 2013, I spent the entire summer performing some of these tests Roy suggested. Some of the results were very shocking. More on this under DJ0IP FIELD PROOF.
Each year, Roy gives a presentation on his now famous balun research at Dayton.
Here is a download of Roy's original article, but with highlighting of the text that I found important to this topic, and with comments added by me, DJ0IP, at the bottom of the last page.
This is probably the best document one can read in order to begin to understand what a balun is supposed to do, and to learn which technologies actually do work. THIS version has highlighting by DJ0IP
Baluns What They Do And How They Do It b[...]
PDF-Dokument [768.7 KB]
DOWNLOAD the original article from the EZNEC web site:
BALUNS: What they do and how they do it.