Balun Component Sources in Europe
Amidon to Fair-Rite Part Number Conversion
DISCLAIMER: To the best of my knowledge, the data above is accurate. But I have not tried to order each and every one to find out. Please do your own due dilligence.
DO4CQ Redl Elektronikversand
A good German source for Amidon "Toroids" (German: "Ringkern")
The text is in German, but simple and should be no problem to understand.
DX-Wire (German) DX-Wire (English)
Germany's premium source for:
- Wire (incl. Teflon-Insulated wire)
- Coax (incl. Teflon-Insulated Coax)
- Toroids
- RF-Chokes
- and much more
(Note: this is where I personally buy most of my components. - DJ0IP)
RF Microwave An Italian source for Amidon Toroids
In the United Kingdom:
Web Discount 05
- Source for good quality of RG-316 (sold by the meter in small quantities)
more to come . . .