New in 2011
Transceiver Performance
What's new in 2011 ?
"Transceiver Performance; What's new in 2011?
The presentation below was prepared by Rob for the Boulder Amateur Radio Club.
This presentation is long and very good. Besides explaining performance basics, it also points out the strengths and weaknesses of some of the newest radios on the market.
There are a few important points which Rob covers better in his earlier resentations.
THERE IS NO SHORTCUT! If you want to know the full story about transceiver performance, and understand it well, you really have to go through all three previous presentations before viewing this one.
It is best to begin with BARC2008, then the Dayton 2009, (contest university), then BARC 2009, and finally this one.
Download Presentation and Audio Files:
By Rob Sherwood, NC0B
Barc-2011-6e SHERWOOD.pdf
PDF-Dokument [3.6 MB]
The Presentation has three sections:
- Receivers
- Transmitters
- Summary and Conclusion
All three sections are included in the PDF presentation above.
The Audio file was very large, so I have divided it into three smaller files, one for each part of the presentation.
This audio file covers Receiver Technology on slides 1 through 23 of the presentation.
MP3-Audiodatei [65.3 MB]
This audio file covers Transmitter Technology on slides 24 through 43 of the presentation.
MP3-Audiodatei [58.5 MB]
This audio file covers Robs Summary and Conclusion of the Presentation.
MP3-Audiodatei [59.0 MB]