Antenna Tuners
List of ANNECKE Products
The following is a list of products produced by Alfred Annecke.
These are in no particular order.
Asymmetrical Matchboxes:
- 200w L-Network for matching Longwire Antennas
- 200w Pi-Filter Matchbox
- 200w Universal-Transmatch* (several versions)
- 200w Differential-T Matchbox
- 750w Universal-Transmatch* (several versions)
- 1000w+ Universal-Transmatch*
(*T-Network Matchbox)
Symmetrical Matchboxes:
- 200w Symmetrical Koppler**
- 200w Symmetrical Koppler** for 160m (2 versions)
- 600w Symmetrical Koppler** Plug in Band Modules
- 1000w Symmetrical Koppler with Switchable "L"
- 1000w+ Symmetrical Koppler**
(**Link Coupled)
- Magnetic Loop Antenna Kits
- Remote Switchable 80m Dipole (CW/SSB)
- Double-Zepp with Openwire Feedline
Other Products:
- 450 Ohm Transmission Line
- Indicator Lamps (tuning lamps for openwire transmission lines)
- Artificial Ground
- RF Field Strength Meter
- Control Box for Remote Servos (for variable capacitors)
- Variable Capacitors (LARGE and small)
- Switches (LARGE and small)
- Wall Feed-Through Insulators (for openwire feedline)
- Voltage Protectors (Spark Plug Over-Voltage Protection for single wires and for openwire feedline)
- Remote Relays for Over-Voltage Prodection during storms.
- Insulated Shaft Couplers (for variable capacitors)
ANNECKE also sold empty enclosures (manufactured by Schubert), and Knobs. I do not know who manufactured his knobs.
ADVICE: Annecke gave this away for free. He was a true "Elmer".